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  • 04/24/2014 10:33 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Please find below a letter from the Broward County Director of Aviation regarding a voluntary program for use of Runway 10R/28L.

  • 12/04/2013 1:30 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    A message from President of the Board, Jeff Ramsden

    On behalf of the SFBAA, I'd like to thank everyone who came out for our 10th Annual Charity Golf Classic last month.  With your support we raised more than $22,000 for charity -- by far the most to date.  A special thank you goes out to all of our headline sponsors who help make this event possible every year:

    Lunch - Gulfstream
    Drink Carts - Cessna
    Cocktail Hour - Falcon
    Dinner - Bombardier & JSSI
    Shirts - Embraer
    Golf Carts - Signature
  • 03/20/2013 12:03 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    The first SFBAA newsletter of 2013 is now available for your reading pleasure.  Please click here if you'd like to download a copy.
  • 01/28/2013 3:19 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    A photo gallery has been added to the website for your viewing pleasure.  There is now quick link to the master gallery in the header bar at the top of the screen.  If you have any pictures you'd like to add, please feel free to email them in and I will post them.
  • 08/17/2012 4:25 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    FACILITY:  FLL ATCT (Fort Lauderdale International)



    Closure of Taxiway C –replacement & repairs of pavement on Taxiway C

    Closure of Runway 13/31 – repair of connectors on Taxiway C

    2.        SCHEDULED DATES/TIMES (Zulu and Local Times Requested):

    Aug. 22nd, 2012 (Daily/continuous) for 231 days.

    *Note- Construction will be completed in phases throughout the time period; several phases of the repairs will close Runway 13/31 during the overnight hours only.


    Sections of Taxiway C west of Taxiway D will be closed periodically for repairs.

    Customers can expect changes in taxi/traffic patterns.

    Runway 13/31 is scheduled to close for 14 nights while the taxiway connectors are repaired between Taxiway D and Taxiway E.

    Runway 13/31 closed nightly:

    Aug 22nd – Sept. 4th, 2012  0200Z-1000Z  (2200pm-0600am local)

    During the Runway 13/31 closure, Runway 9L/27R will be utilized 


    AAR / 28 ADR.

    4.        DELAYS:

    Customers may experience taxi delays due to taxiway are closures.


    TMI’s are not anticipated.


    Coordination with the customers will be accomplished via the ATCSCC or direct communications as the situation warrants.


    A NOTAM will be issued prior to the closure of the runway/taxiway.

  • 04/04/2012 10:50 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Tomorrow the latest publication cycle begins & contains the NOTAMS for the FLL Runway 9R & taxiway closures on April 17.  BCAD has published the NOTAMS (below) that will show RWY 9R & taxiways "OPEN" until April 16.

    ATC is now issuing taxi instructions that require all aircraft & vehicles to "HOLD SHORT OF RWY 13".  This will begin to condition pilots & controllers in advance that RWY 13 will become active & we must be alert.

    NOTAMS issued and faxed as needed for RWY 9R/27L and associated taxiway closures:
    FLL 04/016 (KFLL A0385/12) FLL TWY D BTN TWY D4 AND APCH END RWY 27L OPEN WEF 1204050401-1204170401
    !FLL 04/015 (KFLL A0384/12) FLL TWY CONNECTORS G1,G2,G3 OPEN WEF 1204050401-1204170401
    !FLL 04/014 (KFLL A0383/12) FLL TWY G W OF TWY E OPEN WEF 1204050401-1204170401
    !FLL 04/013 (KFLL A0382/12) FLL TWY Q S OF TWY E OPEN WEF 1204050401-1204170401
    !FLL 04/012 (KFLL A0381/12) FLL RWY 9R/27L OPEN WEF 1204050401-1204170401
    Runway 9R/27L along with Taxiway Golf, Golf connectors, Taxiway Q south of Taxiway Echo, Taxiway Delta between Connector D4 and the approach end Runway 27L will be closed effective April 17, 2012 for the construction of the new ruwnay.  Due to charting cycles, these closures had to be shown effective April 5, 2012.  Therefore, on April 4th we need to file the following NOTAMs until the official closing date of April 17th.
    1.    Runway 9R/27L Open.  Effective time 0001L April 5 – 0001L April 17.
    2.    Taxiway Golf west of Taxiway Echo Open.   Effective time 0001L April 5 – 0001L April 17.
    3.    Taxiway Quebec south of Taxiway Echo Open.  Effective time 0001 April 5 – 0001L April 17.
    4.    Taxiway Connectors G1, G2, G3 Open.  Effective time 0001L April 5 – 0001L April 17.
    5.    Taxiway Delta between connector D4 and the approach end Runway 27L Open.  Effective time 0001L – 0001L April 17.

    For more information contact:

    John J. Pokryfke, Airside Operations Manager
    Broward County Aviation Department
    Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport
    2200 S.W. 45th Street Suite 101, Dania Beach, FL 33312
    Office:  954-359-1214; Fax:  954-359-6198;  Cell:  954-336-2734

  • 02/29/2012 12:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    The Board has decided to launch a new website that will allow for more interaction between members and the Association.  Please take a look around and explore the many benefits this site has to offer.
    • All events will be added as they are scheduled, with ability to RSVP, see who else is attending, check out what will be discussed and print directions.  They can also be easily added to your Outlook Calendar with the click of your mouse.

    • Each member has the ability to login (in the upper right part of the page) to change any of their contact information or add other members from their company to the Association.

    • There is a new members-only section which can only be accessed by current SFBAA members.  This prevents non-members from viewing and having access to the contact information of each member.

    • There is a message board that can be found under the Members section.  This will allow any member to provide feedback, give suggestions and have general discussions about the organization or business aviation in general.

    • Most importantly, the website has been integrated to accept online forms of payment (credit cards & PayPal), allowing members the ability to view their outstanding invoices and then make payments.  Visit your profile to access this information.

    • Prospective members can also join the Association through a simple form filled out in the Join Us section.
    If you have any questions regarding the website and its uses, or any suggestions on how to improve it, please contact me.
  • 02/09/2012 11:36 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A Happy New Year to everyone and an apology for getting things started so late this year.

    Last week the SFBAA had a board meeting and invited members interested in running for the board to attend.  We had a nice showing and some new changes have been made.  We did not have multiple people interested in the same position, so no elections were needed.  Before I get into those changes, I would like to take a moment to thank all the previous board members, Scott Ramsden, Hugo Cortes, and Jerry Gemma, for their outstanding work and dedication to the organization.  In particular, there is one board member stepping down who has been here since the inception of the organization and she deserves some additional recognition.

    Tracy Gough is a founding member of the SFBAA and has served numerous rolls within the organization for the last eight years, most recently as Vice President.  Tracy is responsible for the creation of the SFBAA Charity Golf Classic, and over the last 8 years, has been the driving force behind the event.   With her leadership, the Golf Event has raised over $50,000 for scholarships and charities since its inception and has become an event of national recognition.   Tracy has devoted countless hours to the organization and has helped build the organization into what it is today.  It is with regret that we say goodbye to Tracy as a board member, but we wish her nothing but happiness and success in her new position with Shell Oil Eastern Aviation.  Tracy, on behalf of the entire SFBAA, thank you for all you have done and given over the last 8 years.  Our appreciation is greater than words can describe.

    -Jeff Ramsden

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(c) South Florida Business Aviation Association, 1100 Lee Wagener Boulevard, Suite 320, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315
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