
  • 10/05/2017 1:31 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Please see below a message from NBAA President Ed Bolen regarding an ATC privatization bill that will be brought to the floor of the House for a vote:


    As you can see from the enclosed news article, the FAA privatization bill, H.R. 2997, will be brought to the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives for a vote next week.

    This is a moment we have spent months and years preparing for.

    We have invested in technology to make it easy to communicate with elected representatives.

    We have detailed the seriousness of the threat to the future of general aviation in the United States.

    We have encouraged business leaders, mayors, consumer groups, airport directors, liberal and conservative think tanks and others to voice opposition to the bill—and they have.

    Also weighing in have been America’s foremost industry leaders and legends, including hero-pilot Sully Sullenberger, astronauts including Jim Lovell, and former commanders of the Thunderbirds and Blue Angels.

    Now we need you. If you have already called your representative at 833-GAVOICE, call again.

    If you have already emailed or sent a tweet to your representative by going to, do it again.

    If you have encouraged your family, coworkers and friends to get involved, do it again.

    If you have not yet done these things, do them NOW. TODAY. Your community needs you.

    Next week, we will gather in Las Vegas to celebrate all the things that make business aviation so special. At the same time, the House of Representatives will vote on one of the most important bills in our industry’s history.

    Please do all you can to ensure we have a bright future.

    Thank you.



    FAA Bill With Air Traffic Spinoff May Get Vote Week of Oct. 9

    By Shaun Courtney

    October 3, 2017

    • House could vote week of Oct. 9 on bill to reauthorize FAA

    • House Rules Committee seeks amendments

    (BNA) -- The House could vote the week of Oct. 9 on a bill to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration for six years and spin off air traffic control to a non-governmental entity.

    The bill's author, House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R-Pa.), told reporters the goal was a floor vote the week of Oct. 9. A notice from the House Rules Committee calling for new amendments further solidified the timing.

    “The Committee on Rules is likely to meet the week of October 9th to grant a rule that may provide a structured amendment process for floor consideration of H.R. 2997, the 21st Century AIRR Act,” Rules Committee Chairman Pete Sessions (R-Texas) said in an Oct. 3 letter.

    The proposal to privatize air traffic control has proven controversial, and several possible votes this year have been scrapped.

    Amendments for the Rules Committee are due Oct. 5.

    Addressing Concerns

    Shuster and other proponents of the proposal took to the House floor Oct. 3 for a series of speeches to correct the record on what he called “false claims” about the bill, and to speak about its impact on general aviation, national security, and appropriations.

    A previous iteration of the air traffic proposal ran afoul of general aviation groups in 2016, but Shuster worked to bring the head of the general aviation caucus on as a sponsor for the bill in 2017.

    “My colleagues and I, including Sam Graves, worked with the General Aviation community to include everything they asked for in this bill. Not one of their legislative requests was excluded,” Shuster said during floor remarks Oct. 3.

    “The bill addresses concerns about access to the airspace, user fees, and board parity, among other GA requests, Shuster said during the floor speech.

    “Nothing will change for them,” he said.

    Shuster also explained the bill's impact on the Department of Defense and on the annual appropriations process. He said he expects to adopt an amendment that will explicitly prohibit the new private board that would run air traffic controls from receiving federal appropriations.

    A Shuster spokesman told reporters that the floor speeches were an effort to allay any lingering concerns and address head on what they call misinformation about their bill.

    But air traffic spinoff opponents are equally determined to see the provision die.

    “I will continue to follow Shuster around and talk people off the ledge who get bad information and think that privatization is a good idea,” Transportation and Infrastructure Committee ranking member Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.) told reporters.

  • 09/13/2017 1:50 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Last week the SFBAA Board unanimously passed a vote to donate $2,000 towards relief efforts of Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma.  Our thoughts and prayers are with all of those affected by these two horrific storms and we hope this contribution helps the rebuilding process.

    If you would like to donate towards the Hurricane Relief Efforts, please visit the following links to our Hurricane Relief Donation Page and the American Red Cross' donation platform:

    SFBAA/TBAA/FABA Hurricane Relief Page

    American Red Cross Hurricane Relief Page

  • 09/13/2017 1:40 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Please see a message from NBAA below regarding ATC privatization:

    NBAA was apprised last Friday that HR 2997— AIRR Act of 2017 was unlikely to be taken up by the full House for consideration this week. However, T&I Chairman Bill Shuster (R-PA) continues his efforts to obtain the necessary votes to pass this legislation in the House. While it appears that we have a slight respite this week, our work to defeat the bill continues unabated. To that point, I am sending along the attached information for your review and use with your members and general aviation stakeholders.

    --The American Conservative Union (ACU) Foundation released a press release and policy statement last Friday in opposition to HR 2997. This is an especially important development as the ACU has a great deal of influence with conservative GOP Members of Congress (notably the Republican Study Committee and the House Freedom Caucus) and with other conservative advocacy groups. (download here)

    --Updated GA United Against ATC Privatization Letter—147 GA Stakeholders Oppose Privatization. (download here)

    --New NBAA “fact sheet” – HR 2997—“Not Really Privatization” (download here)

  • 07/19/2017 4:58 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Below is an updated briefing on PBIA airport construction changes, received this week, with information that changed since the July 12 MCSM briefing.

    The MCSM briefing can also be found below as a quick reference.

    If you have any questions please contact Shane Ahern (561.275.1405 or or Robert Berlucchi (561.275.1401 or

    PBIA Construction Changes (7-17-17)

    MCSM Briefing (7-12-17)

  • 06/23/2017 3:35 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Members, please see the email below from NBAA.

    Use NBAA’s Contact Congress now to make your voice heard

    Call to Action: Oppose H.R.2997

    Dear NBAA Member,

    For some time, we have been vigilant, and ready to mobilize, when it comes to the continuing battle over air traffic control (ATC) privatization. The moment for action has arrived, with yesterday’s introduction of H.R.2997 – legislation containing provisions for privatizing ATC – a long-standing priority for the nation’s big airlines.

    I am writing to ask you to please take action today to support NBAA’s work to make the business aviation community’s voice heard in the fight against this legislative threat to our industry.

    Here’s why we must stop this legislation: H.R.2997 proposes to strip control of aviation-system oversight from the public’s elected representatives, and essentially hand control of the system over to a group of private parties, largely unaccountable to Congress.

    The citizens, companies and communities relying on general aviation for business, civil services and other needs will be the ones most at risk if this legislation becomes law.

    Under the new structure, the private parties would be given sweeping authority to restrict access to airports and airspace, set and collect air transportation taxes, and increase costs for flying. Resources for airports and other infrastructure could be directed away from general aviation. The setup could jeopardize service and access for smaller communities. Perhaps most troubling, the work underway to build a NextGen aviation system could be seriously delayed, while an entire governance structure is disrupted.

    Simply put, H.R.2997 embodies a flawed and risky idea, which NBAA and the business aviation community have long opposed. We support implementation of targeted solutions to identified problems to ensure America’s aviation system remains the world’s best in all aspects, for many years to come. What we don’t support is a plan to give away, for free, America’s taxpayer-funded aviation assets to a group of self-interested parties.

    We must act immediately to alert Congress to our unified opposition to H.R.2997, as the House of Representatives’ Transportation and Infrastructure Committee has slated the bill for consideration before month’s end.

    By contacting your members of Congress today, you can send a message to lawmakers, and help NBAA turn back this legislative threat to everyone in business aviation.

    Thank you.

    Ed Bolen
    President and CEO
    National Business Aviation Association


    National Business Aviation Association
    1200 G Street NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20005 • Tel: 202-783-9000 •

  • 06/21/2017 3:31 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Greetings Members,

    We ask of you to please support the NBAA in all of their efforts to battle the renewed interest in Air Traffic Control Privatization. Having a discussion with your Aircraft Owners, Corporate Executives and also your local and State Legislators are the way that we will create momentum and proper education. You’ve seen this topic mentioned a lot recently and while the NBAA has been fighting this issue for the past 20 years…they’ve never had this much focus on the issue and direct support from a current political administration.

    I’d like to keep this email brief since we’ve provided links below that are very helpful in understanding the concerns surrounding this issue so I’ll summarize each attachment and its importance.

    We appreciate all of your continued support and please feel free to reach out to me directly should you have any questions on these issues or how you can become more involved.


    Christopher Salley
    SFBAA Board Vice President

  • 06/19/2017 1:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We have added an Internship page to the website.  If you are a student looking to get started in the aviation community, please visit the page to see all of the available internship opportunities offered by our Members.

    If you are a part of the SFBAA and would like to post an internship, please contact me and I'll get it posted.

  • 04/10/2017 12:12 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    FLIGHT ADVISORY - VIP TFR - Palm Beach, Florida
    Notice Number: NOTC7108

    FLIGHT ADVISORY – VIP TFR - Palm Beach, Florida

    13-16 April, 2017

    The entire flight advisory may be accessed and downloaded at the following address:

    Pilots are advised to check NOTAMs frequently for possible changes prior to operations in the area.

    NOTAMs will be published at least 24 hours in advance.

    Active:   Thursday at 6:30 PM
    Ends:      Sunday at 4:30 PM

  • 03/16/2017 4:48 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    2017 NBAA Maintenance Conference

    Calling All Maintenance Professionals!

    The NBAA is excited to announce that after years of building this successful event, they have officially expanded the 2017 NBAA Maintenance Conference to include not only maintenance managers, but ALL maintenance personnel - including dedicated content for maintenance technicians, flight technicians and aspiring managers. This premier business aircraft maintenance event promises to be the best yet with high-quality education sessions, a growing exhibit floor, and attendees from all over the U.S. and beyond - making it the ideal venue to expand your network and grow professionally.

    EVENT DATE: May 2-4, 2017

    EVENT LOCATION: Palm Beach County Convention Center, West Palm Beach


    NBAA Members 
    $900 by April 11, 2017
    $1,150 after April 11, 2017

    $1,200 by April 11, 2017
    $1,450 after April 11, 2017

    Register Now

    For complete information, please visit the NBAA's website here

  • 03/09/2017 4:07 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Nova Southeastern University and Embraer will host a Regional Aviation Safety Group - Pan America Aviation Safety Seminar

    Regional Aviation Safety Group - Pan America (RASG-PA) and Nova Southeastern University are welcoming States, aviation professionals, especially flight students and industry to participate in the 2017 RASG-PA Aviation Safety Seminar, the event will introduce topics such as:


    21 March 2017, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. / 22 March 2017 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. / Nova Southeastern University

    Carl DeSantis Building / Knight Lecture Hall Auditorium 1124 3301 College Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314.

    Registration is COMPLIMENTARY for the States, aviation professionals, flight students and industry. The Seminar will be conducted in English. For additional information, call (954) 262-7001 or email

    Space is limited and seats will be reserved on a first-come, first serve basis.

    FAA's Wings Credit will be awarded to participants. 

(c) South Florida Business Aviation Association, 1100 Lee Wagener Boulevard, Suite 320, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315
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