The SFBAA has been at work with some of the other aviation organizations (FABA, AOPA, TBAA, NBAA, etc.) to garner support for a Florida House Bill being proposed in the legislature. We are asking for your help in showing support for this bill in hopes it gets passed in Tallahassee.
We strongly support House Bill 975 which will act to clarify that that liens claimed under Florida law for labor, services, fuel, or material furnished to an aircraft are not possessory liens and thus, a person claiming such a lien does not need to keep the aircraft in his or her possession to enforce the lien. The bill allows a lienor to enforce a lien for fuel, labor, services, or material furnished to an aircraft even if the lienor releases the aircraft to the owner or operator. This will make it easier for a lienor to recover money owed for maintenance on an aircraft without keeping a commercial aircraft out of service and potentially disrupting commercial air travel. This will also allow the owner or operator of an aircraft on which a lien is claimed to keep using the aircraft while he or she works to satisfy the lien.
Please take the time to email Governor DeSantis directly to show support for the bill, here is the link:
Feel free to circulate this (and please take the time to click the link to email the Governor). Thanks.